Brand Engagement Program Terms and Conditions

Below are the expectations for those who join the Tier 1 or Tier 2 levels of our program. Further details, compensation and specific tactics will be discussed based on the program of interest and qualifications of those who submit to be considered.

Please make sure to read our privacy policy.


Tier 1 – Campaign Influencers


  • Content Promotion. Participate in posting and sharing a series of Estelle’s Secret owned content tied to a campaign utilizing provided hashtags, keywords, and tags within posts, first and follow up comments. Estimated 1-5 posts per one-time series to be engaged.
  • Product Reviews. If your experience using Estelle’s Secret’s product(s) was positive, we request recipients post a review to a list of websites and your social media accounts. 

Non-Compete Agreement:

Estelle’s Angels Ambassadors are not to like, follow, mention in a positive light, utilize products from, buy from, or otherwise endorse brands and products that are competitive to Estelle’s Secret during the course of the time he or she is promoting plus 3 month prior and following the promotional effort.

Image and Representation:

As a representative of the brand, you will not engage in any illegal or controversial activity that could reflect back negatively on the Estelle’s Secret brand image or reputation. You understand such activities could be detrimental to business.

Tier 2 – ES Angels Brand Ambassadors


  • Content Promotion. Participate in ongoing posting and sharing of Estelle’s Secret owned content per our quarterly Influencer Calendar utilizing provided hashtags, keywords and tags within posts, first and follow up comments. Estimated 15-20 posts per month to engage.
  • Product Reviews. Post a review after receiving your sample of the Estelle’s Secret product, if you enjoyed and liked the product, to a list of review websites as well as your social media accounts.
  • Ongoing Engagement. Come up with ideas around other content or events you may be promoting to organically mention Estelle’s Secret brand and products in a positive light. The goal is at least 5 brand mentions per month.
  • Content Generation. Create regular user-generated content (UGC) tutorials for IGTV, IG Stories, and YouTube with Estelle’s Secret hair extensions featured. Allow Estelle’s Secret to be first to publish on web properties before posting or sharing.
  • Sales Generation. Promote Estelle’s Secret products with your personalized code and link to drive business for the brand. There will be prizes for certain quotas that are met by Estelle’s Angels Ambassadors.

Non-Compete Agreement:

Estelle’s Angels Ambassadors are not to like, follow, mention in a positive light, utilize products from, buy from, or otherwise endorse brands and products that are competitive to Estelle’s Secret during the course of the time he or she is an Ambassador plus 6 months prior and following Ambassador community membership..

Image and Representation:

As a representative of the brand, you will not engage in any illegal or controversial activity that could reflect back negatively on the Estelle’s Secret brand image or reputation. You understand such activities could be detrimental to business.